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SIGIL: Scientific Investigation of Gazing with Intuition at Light
An experiment to test an interpretation of the quantum observer effect
This study explores the influence of mind on matter. Eligible participants must be at least 18 years old and will have training or talent in focused attention, such as meditators, martial artists, or experience with one or more magical practices. Candidates will be selected to participate via a three step process. Those who are selected and complete the experiment will receive US$100 as compensation, and the top 25 participants with the best performance will be entered into a raffle for an Apple iPad.
Recruitment for this experiment is now closed. Thank you for your interest!
About the experiment
More about the experiment
Scientific background
Interview by RENSEP (Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices)
Another interview about the experiment (and more), by Unraveling the Universe podcast
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